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Brad Paisley on Freemasonry

Brad Paisley is an active Freemason, a member of Hiram Lodge #7 in Franklin, Tennessee. Paisley is a member of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and a Noble of the AAONMS, also known as Shriners. He was accompanied by his...

Surry Freemasons Support RMBI

we're delighted to share the news that the Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey completed their 2019 Festival Appeal in May and raised a phenomenal £3.3 million for The Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution Care Company (RMBI). Jonathan Spence, Deputy Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, was...

Brac Lodge Installation 2019

Installation toBrac Lodge No. 9470 E.C.of Master Elect - W. Bro. Waide Lyndon DaCosta Friday June 14th, 2019 at 7pmFreemasons Hall, 321 Mahogany WayProspect, Grand Cayman [rl_gallery id="23421"] ...